10:00 AM10:00

Easter at The Clay Sheds 2025

We are excited to kick off the 2025 season with Easter at The Clay Sheds! With Easter being late this year, lets hope for some warm Spring weather!

🐣 Easter Egg Hunt (will be a hayride if the fields aren’t muddy!)

🐰Easter Bunny Photos

🐐Farm animals

🌷 Cut flower bouquets, hanging baskets, tomatoes and any early crops we may have available will be for sale!

👧🏻 We’ll have the barrel train, swings, and gravity wagon basketball setup!

🍭 The Easter Candy cannon will shoot off on the half hour, every hour!

🍽️ Southside of Chicago Food Truck!

🧁 Nana’s Treats with dessert!

PLUS Tucked + Threaded and Billie Jo’s Boutique will be setup!

Event Info:

1910 Whitlock Road Paris, TN 38242

10 am - 4 pm


What are the Clay Sheds? How do I get there? The Clay Sheds are a historic facility in Whitlock (just north of Paris) owned by Future Visions Farms. The buildings were used by Kentucky Tennessee Clay for years as a ball clay storage, bagging, and shipping facility.

DIRECTIONS: BE CAUTIOUS WHEN USING A GPS! Entering “Whitlock Clay Sheds” on Google maps will bring you right here. The address is 1910 Whitlock Road (NOT 1910 Whitlock Paris Rd).

From Paris: take Highway 641 North to Whitlock Rd - turn left on Whitlock Rd. Continue 1.9 miles to the Clay Sheds (make sure to follow Whitlock Rd as it turns left at the Church of Christ, do not continue straight onto Foundry Hill Road).

From Murray: take Highway 641 South to Whitlock Rd - turn right on Whitlock Rd. Continue 1.9 miles to the Clay Sheds (make sure to follow Whitlock Rd as it turns left at the Church of Christ, do not continue straight onto Foundry Hill Road).

How will the egg hunt work? If the weather cooperates and it is not too muddy, the Egg Hunt will also be a hayride! The Hayride wagon will take you out to the field to collect eggs. (In the event of rain or if the fields are too muddy the egg hunt will be in the bays of the sheds).

Eggs will not be filled with candy. Each child will collect their eggs and bring them back to the big building to turn them in for a goody bag of Easter themed items! This ensures everyone gets a prize! (also…you’re welcome parents for no candy!). Don’t forget your Easter basket to collect eggs (but if you do, we will have empty strawberry buckets for sale!).

GOLDEN EGGS: local business have sponsored some amazing prizes, these will all be awarded to those who find the golden eggs strategically hidden throughout the day! (NOTE: one person cannot redeem more than one golden egg. Future Visions Farms reserves the right to request that you leave the egg hunt field for inappropriate behavior toward staff or other guests).

What time is the egg hunt? The egg hunt will run continuously all day, there is no rush to collect eggs and parents can get all the egg hunting photos they’d like!

How much does it cost? Admission is $10 per person (adults and children). Admission will be charged at the gate.

Can I setup as a vendor? Please fill out our vendor form HERE and we will get back with you if it is a good fit!

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2:00 PM14:00

Container Workshop - April 27th

Create a summer container the makes a statement! Gather your girls, your guys, your family, or friends for a fun afternoon at the Clay Sheds!

We will teach you all the tricks to make your planters look like Pinterest perfection! Leave the Clay Sheds with your containers ready to be placed on your porch or patio!

Workshop registration includes:

  • One extra large planter and potting soil (urns, round and square available to choose from).

  • You will have your choice of winning combinations and colors to match your style and the amount of sun or shade you’ll have. We will stuff these planters FULL of tried and true varieties. Ferns and grasses for height, caladiums and the like for fillers, begonias for color, and much more!

  • Light refreshments, snacks, and sips!

We will assist you with loading your planters into your vehicle, you may want to bring a sheet or towel to protect your vehicle.

Your $25 deposit holds your place in the workshop and covers one planter (pot) and soil. The plants you choose to fill your planter with will be purchased individually to meet your budget! Additional pots, soil, and plants can also be purchased for matching sets!


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7:00 PM19:00

Honky Tonk Halloween 2024

Honky Tonk Halloween

October 26th - 7 pm

Whitlock Clay Sheds (1910 Whitlock Rd Paris, TN)

$15 per person (tickets will be $17.50 at the door)

This is an ADULT EVENT!

Dance the night away under the Neon Moon! Live music by The Fajita Brothers, costume contests, a Halloween hayride deep into the hollers of Whitlock with some uninvited guests, food by Deep South Seafood, drinks, dancing and more!


Additional Information:

  • The Halloween hayride will be in the dark and we may encounter some uninvited guests while winding through Whitlock. For this reason we strongly recommend no children under 16 at this event.

  • All regular pumpkin patch activities (slides, swings, barrel train, etc) will be closed for the evening.

  • Festive food and beverages, cocktails, and mocktails will be available for purchase. No outside beverages or coolers please!

  • Costumes are encouraged but not required. Prizes will be awarded in the following costume categories:

    • Most Creative Costume

    • Best Couples Costume

    • Most Boring Costume

  • In the event of rain or weather, we will do our best to reschedule. If we are unable to reschedule, all advance purchase tickets can be used as credit towards any future purchases or admission to events held by Future Visions Farms.

  • This event will be held outside, portions of the event on uneven walking surfaces. We do not recommend bringing children under 16 to this event. All patrons purchasing alcohol from the bar will need to show valid ID. Entry to the event indicates you are participating at your own risk and will not hold Future Visions Farms liable in the event of injury or death.

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11:00 AM11:00

Trunk or Treat 2024

The best day of the year! It’s become a tradition to host a Trunk to Treat at The Clay Sheds on our last day of the season. Bring the kids in their costume, set up your trunk/tent/table and pass out candy too!

ADMISSION & HOURS NOTE: The Trunk or Treat is held in the large building which does not require admission. Trunk or Treat hours will be 11am-3pm. Fall at The Clay Sheds will be open as usual from 10am-5pm - entering the activities areas does require a wristband/purchase of admission for $11 + tax per person.

Saturday October 26th, 2024

1910 Whitlock Road Paris, TN

Planning on setting up a “Trunk?” Sign up HERE so we know we will have plenty of room! Prizes for "best of show" and "most original" trunk will be awarded at 3:00 pm! If you would like to donate a prize from your business, please email Jessi at jessi@futurevisionsfarmstn.com

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10:00 AM10:00

Paint the Clay Sheds Pink

This was such a great event & we are bringing it back in 2024! Paint the Clay Sheds Pink on Saturday October 12th, all to raise awareness and money for West Cancer Care here in Paris. They have relayed that the biggest need is gas gift cards so we will purchase as many as possible with what we raise! The Clay Sheds will be open as usual, with this event taking place in the big building!

Live music by local music Katie Barnett + a great lineup of vendors to shop + a silent auction!

Vendors include:

  • Coastal 31 Candles

  • EverCo Permanent Jewelry

  • Art by Mary Kate Paschall

  • Schoolfield Pharmacy

  • Just Jesus Apparel

  • Carmack’s & More Food Truck

A donation to shop can be given at the gate, but is not required! Fall at The Clay Sheds pumpkin patch will be open as usual and regular admission will apply to the activity areas!

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10:00 AM10:00

Mother's Day at the Clay Sheds

Bring Mom to the Clay Sheds for a day full of shopping local vendors!

  • U-Pick Strawberry Patch will be open! Take the hayride wagon to pick your own berries!

  • Container planting! Missed out on one of our sold out container workshops? Stop by during Mother’s Day at The Clay Sheds and we will help you put one together!

  • Other vendors include:

    • Coastal 31 Candles

    • Haywire Jewelry

    • Madi & Co with their patch hat bar

    • Witherspoon and Co Boutique

    • Jersey Suds

    • Everco Permanent Jewelry

    • HK Studios Pottery

    • Perry’s Barbeque

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2:00 PM14:00

Container Workshop

Create a summer container the makes a statement! Gather your girls, your guys, your family, or friends for a fun afternoon at the Clay Sheds!

We will teach you all the tricks to make your planters look like Pinterest perfection! Leave the Clay Sheds with your containers ready to be placed on your porch or patio!

Workshop registration includes:

  • One extra large planter and potting soil (urns, round and square available to choose from).

  • You will have your choice of winning combinations and colors to match your style and the amount of sun or shade you’ll have. We will stuff these planters FULL of tried and true varieties. Ferns and grasses for height, caladiums and the like for fillers, begonias for color, and much more!

  • Light refreshments, snacks, and sips!

We will assist you with loading your planters into your vehicle, you may want to bring a sheet or towel to protect your vehicle.

Your $25 deposit holds your place in the workshop and covers one planter (pot) and soil. The plants you choose to fill your planter with will be purchased individually to meet your budget! Additional pots, soil, and plants can also be purchased for matching sets!


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10:00 AM10:00

Easter at the Clay Sheds 2024

  • Whitlock Clay Sheds - Future Visions Farms (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Last year was so much fun we’re going to do it again!

🐣 Easter Egg Hunt (will be a hayride if the fields aren’t muddy!)

🐰Easter Bunny Photos

🐐Farm animals

🌷 Cut flower bouquets for sale! Loweded Boards will be setup with festive Easter treats & Haywire Jewelry will have her handmade earrings & baubles!

👧🏻 We’ll have the barrel train, swings, and gravity wagon basketball setup!

🍭 The Easter Candy cannon will shoot off on the half hour, every hour!

🍽️ Carmack’s & More Food Truck for lunch!

🧁 Nana’s Treats with dessert!

🍋 Sweet G’s Treats with the BEST lemonades!

Event Info:

1910 Whitlock Road Paris, TN 38242

10 am - 4 pm


What are the Clay Sheds? How do I get there? The Clay Sheds are a historic facility in Whitlock (just north of Paris) owned by Future Visions Farms. The buildings were used by Kentucky Tennessee Clay for years as a ball clay storage, bagging, and shipping facility.

DIRECTIONS: BE CAUTIOUS WHEN USING A GPS! Entering “Whitlock Clay Sheds” on Google maps will bring you right here. The address is 1910 Whitlock Road (NOT 1910 Whitlock Paris Rd).

From Paris: take Highway 641 North to Whitlock Rd - turn left on Whitlock Rd. Continue 1.9 miles to the Clay Sheds (make sure to follow Whitlock Rd as it turns left at the Church of Christ, do not continue straight onto Foundry Hill Road).

From Murray: take Highway 641 South to Whitlock Rd - turn right on Whitlock Rd. Continue 1.9 miles to the Clay Sheds (make sure to follow Whitlock Rd as it turns left at the Church of Christ, do not continue straight onto Foundry Hill Road).

How will the egg hunt work? If the weather cooperates and it is not too muddy, the Egg Hunt will also be a hayride! The Hayride wagon will take you out to the field to collect eggs. (In the event of rain or if the fields are too muddy the egg hunt will be in the bays of the sheds).

Eggs will not be filled with candy. Each child will collect their eggs and bring them back to the big building to turn them in for a goody bag of Easter themed items! This ensures everyone gets a prize! (also…you’re welcome parents for no candy!). Don’t forget your Easter basket to collect eggs (but if you do, we will have empty strawberry buckets for sale!).

GOLDEN EGGS: local business have sponsored some amazing prizes, these will all be awarded to those who find the golden eggs strategically hidden throughout the day!

What time is the egg hunt? The egg hunt will run continuously all day, there is no rush to collect eggs and parents can get all the egg hunting photos they’d like!

How much does it cost? Admission is $5 per person (adults and children). Admission will be charged at the gate.

Can I setup as a vendor? Please fill out our vendor form HERE and we will get back with you if it is a good fit!

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8:00 PM20:00

Honky Tonk Halloween

Honky Tonk Halloween

October 27th - 7 pm

Whitlock Clay Sheds (1910 Whitlock Rd Paris, TN)

$15 per person (tickets will be $17.50 at the door)

This is an ADULT EVENT!

Dance the night away under the Neon Moon! Live music by The Fajita Brothers featuring Junior Staggs, costume contests, a Halloween hayride deep into the hollers of Whitlock, food by Pierre’s Food Truck, drinks, dancing and more!


Additional Information:

  • The Halloween hayride will be in the dark and we may encounter some uninvited guests while winding through Whitlock. For this reason we strongly recommend no children under 16 at this event.

  • All regular pumpkin patch activities (slides, swings, barrel train, etc) will be closed for the evening.

  • Festive food and beverages, cocktails, and mocktails will be available for purchase. No outside beverages or coolers please!

  • Costumes are encouraged but not required. Prizes will be awarded in the following costume categories:

    • Most Creative Costume

    • Best Couples Costume

    • Most Boring Costume

  • In the event of rain or weather, we will do our best to reschedule. If we are unable to reschedule, all advance purchase tickets can be used as credit towards any future purchases or admission to events held by Future Visions Farms.

  • This event will be held outside, portions of the event on uneven walking surfaces. We do not recommend bringing children under 16 to this event. All patrons purchasing alcohol from the bar will need to show valid ID. Entry to the event indicates you are participating at your own risk and will not hold Future Visions Farms liable in the event of injury or death.

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to Oct 28

Halloween Weekend Events!

  • Future Visions Farms (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Make your plans to be in Whitlock Halloween Weekend! It’s our last weekend of the season and we are going out with a bang!

FRIDAY OCTOBER 27th (7-10 pm) is the night y’all have been asking for! Join us for live music by the Fajita Brothers + Junior Staggs, cocktails/mocktails by KP’s Event Bartending, food by Pierre’s Food Truck and a nighttime hayride through the hollers of Whitlock! Event information and a link to purchase tickets can all be found HERE!

SATURDAY OCTOBER 28th (10 am - 4 pm) is our last day of the season, and our annual Trunk or Treat…but with a spin! This year, as always, we will have a Trunk or Treat for the kids but we’ve added something for the mamas….Trunk or Treat Yourself! Shop vendors like Steel Threads Boutique, Loweded Boards, Haywire Jewlery, and Lakeway Nutrition! The Trunk or Treat & Trunk or Treat Yourself will not require admission. The pumpkin patch + full activities will be open for the last day and will require admission (full list of full activities and admission details HERE).

Local businesses, groups, churches, families - we would LOVE to have you setup a “trunk” or station for the kids! The more, the merrier!

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